Mindset Exercise: Dairy Study

  • Time: 7 - 14 Days

  • Preparation: None

Purpose: This exercise is designed to help you reflect on your daily experiences and needs. Please follow the steps below and fill out each section without analysis or judgment—observe and document your day.

Diary Study Instructions

Reminder: You will use the data you gathered during your diary study to identify behavioral patterns. This means you need to have collected data representing a range of observations. You must extend the study if all diary studies report obvious or redundant information.

STEP 1: Daily check-in

Rate your overall mood by checking the emoji that best represents how you feel mentally and physically today.

STEP 2: identify the need(s) you focused on today

Select which need(s) took up the majority of your time. 

STEP 3: Did you ignore any need(s) or put off needs for “tomorrow”? 

If so, mark which need(s) were avoided.

STEP 4: Measure your effort.

Indicate on the sliding scale how much effort went into attending to your needs today. Effort includes time, comfort level, stress, or focus. 

STEP 5: Capture Daily Activities

Write down the key activities you engaged in throughout the day. Feel free to express this in different ways—either through writing, drawing sketches, or even scripting a scene to help you remember the events.


Diary Study Skill Recap


The Mindful Method