Mindset Exercise: Self Analysis

  • Time: 20-30 Minutes  

  • Preparation: Diary Study

Purpose: This exercise is designed to help you review and analyze the information gathered during your diary study. The goal is to reflect on your activities, needs, and mood patterns over time. Completing this analysis will help you cultivate deeper insights into your behavioral patterns, needs, and how everything relates. This analysis can help you identify areas needing more attention or adjustment.

Introspection Analysis Instructions

Reminder: You will use the data you gathered during your diary study to identify behavioral patterns. This means you need to have collected data representing a range of observations. If all of the diary studies report obvious or redundant information - you need to extend the study and return to this exercise when you have more data.   

STEP 1: Self-Review

Overall, what emoji did you circle the most through your diary study? Count the times you circled each emoji and put the score under each mood category. 

STEP 2: What needs did you focus on most often?

Add the total number of times you focused on a particular need throughout the diary study and place the number in the box above each need.

STEP 3: What needs did you avoid most often? 

Add the total number of times you ignored a particular need throughout the diary study and place the number in the box above each need. 

STEP 4: What was the overall level of effort? 

Review the amount of effort you indicated each day during your study. On the sliding scale, indicate how much effort went into addressing your needs overall. 

STEP 5: Identify themes. 

Describe patterns as themes to use in future exercises. Review all the data you collected during your diary study and frame them as distinct themes.

Ask yourself: 

  • Is every day the same or different? 

  • How am I feeling the majority of the time? 

Give the Theme a Name: Use clear, descriptive language to give each group of patterns a name that captures its essence. 

For example, a theme could be labeled "Work-Life Balance Challenges”.

Describe the Theme's Core Idea: Write a short description summarizing what the theme represents and its significance. 

For example, a description could be, “I often struggle to manage professional responsibilities alongside personal and family obligations."


Self-Analysis Skills Recap


Diary Study Skill Recap